Through Our Educational Programs . . .

we partner with a variety of experts to offer fun, interactive educational programs to the children in our community through schools, veterinary clinics and local events. Our programs are designed for children of all ages and tailored to meet the interests of each group. Our goal in providing a fun and interactive experience is to leave a positive lasting impression where children can identify with other living beings in their environment.  The interactions between them develop a sense of respect, empathy, compassion and kindness. We also find that children are able to increase their awareness of self through these experiences as well as building their confidence. All of which contribute to a healing on all levels.

Animal Education 

We bring a variety of certified service animals to the classroom or event as part of our demonstrations and to meet with the children. We will demonstrate respectful boundaries and how to safely interact with animals. We will discuss feelings, behaviors, basic care and needs, and in relating these aspects to those of the children a personal connection and basic understanding is created. After our presentation, children will get to ask questions about animals and even share their own experiences and stories. They may come up and pet the animals to practice their new skills and deepen their connection, which will be facilitated by our human presenters.

Sample Topics include:

Respectful boundaries and interactions

Creating a personal connection

Responsibilities and caring for pets

Hands on experience with a variety of certified service animals




Plant Education

We offer a variety of plant education topics from the plant life cycle, farm to table, caring for plants and their needs, to planning a hands on experience with planting, harvesting or creating a school garden.

Sample Topics include:

Plant life cycle

Farm to table

Creating a personal connection

Caring for plants/responsibilities

Hands-on experience planting and/or harvesting

Create a school garden

Renewable Energy 

Our renewable energy program helps the future leaders of world understand the impact we have on this planet.  Through experiments and friendly competitions, kids will become involved and feel connected  as part of a team.

Sample topics include:

Teamwork as well as individualism

Building of Solar, Wind and Hydro power objects

Geothermal and Biomass Energies  in operation

The basic principles and roles of each of the 5 Renewable energies

Cooking with Kids 

Our cooking program offers not only  learning healthy nutrition that will continue into adulthood,  the kids will also learn to cook with what they have grown in a garden.  We offer a hands-on cooking experience that helps build healthy eating habits. This also helps to reinforce STEM subjects like math, science and reading. Altogether, these build life-long skills such as budgeting, grocery shopping and integrating their own home gardens.

Sample topics include:


Hands-on cooking and tasting

The basics of nutrition and cooking

Healthy food identification

Kitchen safety and hygiene

Farm to table

To learn more about these programs please contact us.